A Simple Breastfeeding Hydration Drink Recipe
Takeaway: Staying hydrated while you’re breastfeeding a newborn isn’t easy, especially if you’re not a big fan of water or are looking to avoid artificial dyes and preservatives. This inexpensive, homemade rehydration drink for breastfeeding moms recipe is my go-to when I need to increase my liquid and electrolyte intake. You can drink this throughout your nursing journey and it’s safe for your toddler or preschooler if they happen to take a sip from your cup.
During those early months of caring for my son, my life seemed to revolve around his every-two-or-three-hour feeds and the constant nursing that hit every night around 5:00pm and lasted until bedtime. One of the toughest parts of nursing my newborn was the need to stay hydrated. Water didn’t cut it for me, and the Liquid IV drinks I favored were expensive!
I experimented with many homemade rehydration drinks (sometimes called electrolyte drinks or mineral drinks) along the way, and the one that works best for me is simple, homemade, and much cheaper than a store-bought solution. It’s also free of dyes, preservatives, and other junk that I prefer to keep out of my body, especially while I’m nursing.
Simple Rehydration Recipe for Breastfeeding
You’ll be shocked at how super simple and delicious this rehydration recipe is! It won’t take much longer to make than it does to mix a store made electrolyte drink.
The Ingredients
1 cup white grape juice (I use this so it doesn’t stain if spilled; you can sub white cranberry juice, regular cranberry juice, or regular grape juice!)
7 cups of water
2 teaspoons iodized salt
Mix all of the ingredients together in a pitcher, stirring well. If your partner is looking for ways to become involved while you’re breastfeeding, you can ask your partner to be in charge of making this recipe for you and keeping your fridge stocked.
This recipe usually lasts me 2 days, but you may drink more (or less) depending on your needs and liquid intake. I like to fill my large Stanley knock-off with ice, add the rehydration solution, and sip throughout the day.
Looking for more support with the unexpected or demanding parts of early motherhood?
If you haven’t heard this already, let me be the first person to affirm that motherhood often isn’t what we expected, whether we’re talking about breastfeeding, infant sleep, the way it challenges your relationship with your partner, or thinking about your emotional health as a mom. If you’re looking for 1-1 support with navigating these challenges, please get in touch to learn more about counseling with me and see if therapy could be a good fit for you.
Not looking for therapy but still wanting support with the early years of motherhood? Join or community of moms who get it, lead by clinical therapist for moms Dr. Julie Franks. Hop on our email list so you never miss an installment of our twice-per-month newsletter, Through Thick and Thin. Everything we send is aimed at helping you figure out this thing we call motherhood so you can feel like the mom you really want to be.
Disclaimer: This recipe comes out of my vault of information that I share with you mom-to-mom and from my own personal experience & story as a breastfeeding mom. I am not a registered nutritionist and this information is not given as medical advice. As always, this blog contains information that benefits new moms, postpartum women, and mamas in the early years of motherhood but it is not personalized to you. Consult your medical doctor, nutritionist, or dietician for any medical advice you seek.
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Everything you need to know about your experience of anxiety and it’s sister emotions so you can advocate for your needs & get the mental health support you want and need.
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