Hi! I’m Dr. Julie Franks
Licensed Clinical Social Work Therapist in Seattle and Bainbridge Island, WA
And I’m here to help you deal with the overwhelming status of having a baby and becoming a mother, whether it’s your first time or you’ve been here before.
I specialize in supporting women who are in the trying-to-concieve, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, and early motherhood phase of life. Motherhood changes the way you respond to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm + navigate old wounds that resurface in ways you weren’t expecting.
Most importantly, I’m a mom who is right there with you in experiencing the social pressures and demands related to motherhood… and all the stress it creates.As a postpartum anxiety survivor who had a difficult start to motherhood, I get the way social pressures and expectations make it hard to understand + focus on your values and identity.
I created Nurturing the Sisterhood to give women and mothers in our local community a dedicated space to grow and bloom in motherhood. I believe that you can experience the kind of motherhood you always imagined with support - and I’m here for you when you’re ready.
Now that we know each other, you can just call me Dr. Julie
Although I never would have said this before becoming a mom, being a mom is my most important credential…
(and that is saying a lot because I have a pretty snazzy education and a whole lot of experience with supporting women & families as a clinical therapist).
My education, training, & empathy didn't fully prepare me for the way motherhood changes wellness. I had to experience it to truly get it – and I was shocked by the challenges I faced with caring for my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. With time and support, I figured it out, and I believe you will, too.
I created Nurturing the Sisterhood because it is the resource I wish our community had when I was struggling with infertility, pregnant loss, and the first few years of being a mom. I felt alone + struggled to find the right experts to help me with my emotions.
Our community deserves to have a space that is dedicated to supporting women in this phase of life + offers best-practice, expert care to help you with the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
It’s my joy to be that resource for you.
some of the things I value most:
Communities of women have always been really important to me, starting with the All-Girls Middle School I attended & all the way through my all-female doctorate cohort at the University of Tennessee & then into motherhood. I wouldn’t be who I am today without the guidance of strong female mentors, and this is part of why supporting women as a therapist is so important to me now.
Women first.
I have always worked with women, teens and families as a part of my social work practice, I started exclusively focusing on moms when I was trying to get pregnant and struggling with infertility. I realized just how little support moms get from the time they start trying all the way through birth and into motherhood. I was completely unprepared despite my training and experience. I’m not sure why I was surprised; women have always been unsupported in this world.
Holistic balance.
I’m an expert in women’s mental health who can offer you a combination of holistic, intuitive practices and science-backed skills that will give you the relief you so desperately want. I believe you will feel better with the right support, and that this support comes from a well-rounded and inclusive perspective of your needs. I approach your care with the inclusive worldview I developed through both my theology education and social work training.
Pillow talk with my son just before bed. I feel so connected to him & not distracted. It’s just us laying in the dark with the sound machine going & having a chat & cuddle before bed.
I have always had anxiety. As a kid & young adult, it showed up in me being a high-performer and a great rule-follower. Straight A’s, never in trouble, always trying to do the right thing because I feared making a mistake. I’m grateful for my anxiety in some ways, because it has pushed me to achieve. But I’m also a little jealous of people like my husband who don’t understand the meaning of the word.
My happy place is the Southern CA beach. Anywhere on the coast from San Diego to San Fran. I want to smell the salt air. It makes me feel like home - I grew up in Manhattan Beach. I love being outside and outdoors is key for me. I love to tend to my garden, hike, walk on the beach, listen to the birds, watch the sunset.
Right now, I see women & moms in my therapy practice in WA one day a week. I also teach four college courses a semester in two different social work programs (one in NM and one in MN). My son goes to preschool 4 morning s a week, and I work while he’s in school + I have childcare one afternoon a week. And then I support you here online.
I know, right. I have Celiac and a Caesin allergy. My son has FPIES and can’t eat gluten, dairy, soy, oats, or sweet potato. We eat a lot of Mexican food without the cheese + I’ve become a pro at swapping out the stuff we can’t have with allergy-friendly alternatives. My favorite thing to eat is fruit snacks… guilty pleasure.
FRESH FLOWERS!!! They are really a love language for me.
Q+A with Dr. Julie
“Keep doing what you know you need to do and it will all work out.”
This is something my dad has told me my entire life, and it reminds me that I have the power to create the life I want to live. And so do you.
Hear My Story
I’m on a mission to help the overwhelmed moms.
You’re tired of feeling stressed out, burned out, touched out, and tapped out..
and any other “out” you can come up with. You’re tired of stuffing these feelings and sacrificing yourself because you feel like you don’t have the space to talk about them or the support to deal with them. You want relief. You want strategies to feel better that fit into your over-busy life and actually work so you don’t waste any more of your time, energy, or effort (cuz that stuff is valuable!). And you’re looking to get this help in a space that’s just for women in your phase of life. You’re in the right place, and I’m glad you’re here.
Lately, on The Blog

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in my monthly newsletter, i share the latest offerings at nurturing the sisterhood + a thoughtful blend of tips, tools, and resources to make motherhood a little bit easier.