Mom life is not what you were expecting.

Right now you are feeling all of the “outs”stressed out, burned out, tapped out, touched out, maxed out, worn out. This unfortunately is the norm for most moms today. And what’s even worse is that it’s taboo to talk about these feelings.

We’re here to change that.

Good-bye mom anxiety, postpartum rage, overwhelm and all that mom burnout…

it’s time to enjoy REAL motherhood.

I’m Dr. Julie Franks.

I'm an experienced & licensed mental health therapist for moms in Washington State, an expert in women's mental health, and a social work educator.

I support moms everywhere with mental health tips & online resources that are designed for busy moms who want to feel better but don’t have extra time.

Most importantly, I’m a mom who is right there with you in experiencing the social pressures and demands of motherhood + the stress it creates.

Although I never would have said this before becoming a mom, being a mom is my most important credential (and that is saying a lot because I have a pretty snazzy education and a whole lot of experience with supporting women & families).

My education & professional experience didn't prepare me for the demands of motherhood. I had to become a mom to truly get it – and I was shocked. Things improved for me when I started taking my own advice and practicing the skills I teach my clients in bite-sized ways that I could fit into my demanding routines.

I can help you tune out the noise + focus on what matters so things can get better for you, too.

Ways we can work together:

No time consuming, elaborate solutions here. Everything is simple and fits right into your already overly-busy life and routines. These resources and services are designed to support “full plate” moms (vs the inaccessible and poorly designed mental health system.)

  • Non-clinical, educational, self-paced resources and 1:1 consultations to get you support with mom anxiety, stress, overwhelm, postpartum rage and more.

  • Clinical therapy for women who are facing infertility or are pregnant, postpartum, and in in the early years of motherhood. Washington State residents only


“A refreshingly honest perspective on Motherhood.”

Go from overwhelmed to in-control with this FREE guide to delegation!

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Through Thick and Thin

EvERY-OTHER Thursday I'm in your inbox TO ENCOURAGE YOU WITH YOUR MOTHERHOOD JOURNEY, TEACH YOU SELF CARE STRaTEGIES, OFFER A MOM'S MENTAL HEALTH tip of the week and more... all aimed at helping you figure out this thing we call motherhood so you can FEEL LIKE the mom you really want to be.