The Anxiety Roadmap

A Therapist for Mom’s Complete Roadmap to Understanding Your Maternal or Postpartum Anxiety + Deciding Which Traditional or Holistic Treatment Options Are Best for You.

Whether your goal is to better understand yourself, explain your anxiety to your medical provider, or save yourself time in therapy, this guide will give you the information you need make an informed decision about what’s best for you.

designed for moms, because motherhood makes anxiety different

This instant-download digital guide lets you learn about + map your anxiety using checklists, fill-in-the-blanks, and visual representations so you can decide whether anxiety is a problem for you. I’ll help you identify and understand the way anxiety shows up for you + give you tailored options for support.

I created this guide because so many women are told that their anxiety is a “normal and expected” part of motherhood, when it’s not.

You deserve to support, and you can better advocate for your needs when you get crystal clear about your anxiety + learn about traditional and non-traditional options for help.

You think you’re experiencing postpartum anxiety or maternal anxiety, but you aren’t sure.

You may have been told that your struggles are a “normal and expected” part of being a mom to young children. But now you’re second-guessing that advice and want to know if you’re actually experiencing anxiety, so you decide to take matters into your own hands.

You’re not alone.

As a licensed mental health therapist for moms, I’ve heard more moms than I can count say they say that their postpartum anxiety or maternal anxiety was written off or misunderstood.

Women are often denied access to mental health resources because society considers anxiety to be a “normal and expected” part of being a mom - even though it’s not true. You shouldn’t be feeling this stressed out.

And you shouldn’t be suffering + hoping it gets better. Learning about the way anxiety shows up for you and the options to deal with it is the first step in changing things.

From physical symptoms like nausea to perfectionist tendencies and fears about leaving your child, I go over the nuanced symptoms of maternal anxiety that I see in my office every single day. Then I help you figure out what to do about it.

When I became a new mom myself, I experienced postpartum anxiety and my (very caring) medical team missed it. They convinced me that my own training as therapist was wrong + that I was “just a stressed out mom”. That’s why I’m so dedicated to giving you the tools to understand your mental health + advocate for yourself.

Not only that… it’s soooo difficult to find well-researched guidance because talking about postpartum mental health and maternal anxiety is still taboo in today’s society.

You can’t decide how to heal if you don’t understand what’s happening to you.

Getting crystal clear about your particular experience of anxiety is the first step towards healing. And that’s where the anxiety roadmap comes in.

What You Will Learn in this Guide


Why moms are so vulnerable to anxiety + all the facts about how it impacts and harms moms who are postpartum or in the early years of parenting.

What postpartum + maternal anxiety really is and where it shows up in YOUR mind and YOUR body (it's not the same for everyone + it’s often nuanced for mothers)


How anxiety relates to the sister emotions of stress, burnout, anger, and that feeling of being overwhelmed + why this matters.


Tangible ways you can get the support you need to start feeling better, with Dr. Julie’s expert perspective of the pros and cons of each option 


Reviews from Moms Like You!

The Anxiety Roadmap is the resource I wish I’d had to help me understand that my postpartum anxiety was real + worthy of professional support.

It walks you through the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms of anxiety that show up in the postpartum + early motherhood period.

Plus, it discusses the traditional and holistic anxiety treatment options so you can decide what works best for you. Therapy isn’t for everyone, and I get that.

Hi! I’m Dr. Julie.

The roadmap is the first step to healing from your anxiety in the way you decide is best for you.

You’ve Got Questions, I’ve Got Answers.

An 18-page downloadable pdf that walks you through everything you need to know to figure out if you’re experiencing postpartum or maternal anxiety + choose the kind of support you need to feel better. 
  • This guide is for women who are mothers + who want to get really specific about the ways anxiety impacts their daily life.

  • This guide is an educational resource that allows you to learn about yourself + your experience so you can advocate for your mental heath need and get support. Only a licensed medical provider who meets with you for a medical appointment can give you formal diagnosis. If you choose to see a medical provider, you can bring this guide with you to aid in their diagnostic process.

  • I am a licensed maternal mental health therapist, clinical social work professor, and expert in women’s mental health. I specialize in anxiety treatment + support. The information shared in this guide is research-based and informed by my 10+ years of practice experience. I am also a mom who lives with anxiety and experienced postpartum anxiety after the birth of my son.

Let’s Take the Confusion Out of Your Anxiety.