Educational Resources

Check out our collection of paid and unpaid non-clinical resources, workshops, and guides to help you learn and cope.

The Anxiety Reset

self-paced EMAIL COURSE - Proven Strategies to Tame Your Anxious Mind and Body (with a touch of self-compassion)

Get ready to learn the exact techniques I teach moms in my therapy practice to reduce stress, mom anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm. 

The best part… these techniques will fit right in to your everyday routines without a major time investment. 

You'll be feeling like the mom you really want to be in no time. 

+ THIS IS FOR YOU IF: you are ready to learn simple coping habits that work right away. You aren’t interested in or don’t have time for all the reasons these skills work, you just want to start trying them out and see the results. You’re ready for relief. And as a bonus you get to feel the power of the sisterhood because we are doing this reset together as a community of women!


Is it Anxiety or is it Just Motherhood?

✨ LIVE WORKSHop - FALL 2024 ✨

What you’ll learn in this workshop:

01. The difference between anxiety & “normal” mom stress

02. How anxiety relates to its sister emotions of stress, general overwhelm, anger or rage, and burnout

03. Learn to identify your specific anxiety symptoms (they might surprise you!)

04. Tangible ways you can get support

05. How to advocate for your mental health needs

THIS IS FOR YOU IF: you are ready to become an expert in the way mom anxiety shows up for you. You might be thinking about getting professional support with your mental health, or you already tried and had your concerns written off. Either way, you want to figure out what’s going on with YOU & get really, really specific about the ways anxiety creeps into your everyday experience. You’re ready to learn about the traditional, holistic, and alternative treatment options for anxiety so you can advocate for your needs. You’re ready to feel empowered!


Ditch Your Mom Guilt

WEBInar, launching FALL OR WINTER 2024

This jam-packed webinar is EVERYTHING you’ve ever wanted to know about stopping your mom guilt

+ THIS IS FOR YOU IF: you’re ready to gain a deep awareness of what mom guilt means for you + you want a comprehensive toolbox of strategies you can implement to find relief.


Through Thick and Thin

EvERY-OTHER Thursday I'm in your inbox TO ENCOURAGE YOU WITH YOUR MOTHERHOOD JOURNEY, TEACH YOU SELF CARE STRaTEGIES, OFFER A MOM'S MENTAL HEALTH tip of the week and more... all aimed at helping you figure out this thing we call motherhood so you can FEEL LIKE the mom you really want to be. 


  • Yes, Self-Help resources like this really work! This is actually an area I research and study in my role as a social work professor.

  • I earned my Bachelors from Emory University (2009) and my Masters in Theology from Vanderbilt University (2011). I studied communities of women across world religions to better understand the way women support each other to create meaningful lives within spiritual and contemplative spaces.

    I earned my Masters in Social Work (2013) and Doctorate in Clinical Social Work Practice and Leadership (2019) from the University of Tennessee’s College of Social Work where I also taught and researched for the past decade.

    In addition to my schooling, I am Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) in Washington State. My licensure represents 7-years of post-master’s degree training that took place in community mental health, school, crisis, and medical settings where I supported women and families before I began my practice to serve women.

  • Yes, my expertise is in women’s mental health. I am trained in family systems theory and psychodynamic therapy, which means I recognize the power of each woman’s social environment and the way relationships impact her wellbeing.

    I'm also trained in therapy techniques that reduce anxiety & come from the realm of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI).

    Although I have worked with many different groups of women in the past, my therapy practice naturally shifted towards caring for moms when I started the process of starting my family. As a therapist, I am required to regularly receive continued education, and I focus this education on the care of mothers.

    I’m also a mom myself- and this credential is just as important as the rest!

  • The services here are self-paced educational learning resources. I share my expert knowledge as your educator and fellow mom, not as your therapist. If you’re looking for therapy and you live in Washington State, check out my therapy page.

  • You will have lifetime access. Once you grab ‘em, they’re yours forever!

  • The concepts discussed in the guides and courses apply to ALL moms. Whether you are newly postpartum, a mom with littles, or a mom with teens & beyond, the ideas here apply to you.

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