5 Helpful Affirmations for Anxious Moms
Takeaway: Negative self-talk is a hallmark of mom anxiety. In this post, I explain the way affirmations can help you generate self-compassion, share my top 5 affirmations for anxious moms, and teach you how to use affirmations.
“Mom anxiety” isn’t the kind of thing you can just stop - especially when it’s your mind and body’s way of dealing with the overwhelm of motherhood. But things can feel easier than they are right now. Changing the way you talk to yourself about your experience of anxiety is key.
So many moms are completely down on themselves for being anxious moms. It doesn’t feel good to be anxious, and you might blame yourself (rather than thinking about the way you environment & support systems contribute to your anxiety). A part of the self-blame is negative self-talk.
Negative self-talk is when you say unkind things to yourself. The kind of things that hit below the belt & tend to make your anxiety worse rather than better.
Training yourself to use positive affirmations is a helpful step in getting the support you need for your anxiety. When you are kinder and more compassionate to yourself & about your expeirence of mom anxiety, you’re more likely to share your experience with others and reach out for support.
In this article, we will look at five helpful affirmations for overwhelmed and anxious moms with the goal of creating long-term positive change in the way you talk to yourself. You will learn how to create a positive mindset and how easy it is to get started with affirmation statements. Together, we’ll look at how empowering affirmations can give you the boost you need to start feeling confident in motherhood..
Affirmation #1: I have the power to overcome my anxious thoughts.
Do you ever feel like your anxious thoughts control you? Like you can’t escape them? Or like they pop up at the worst times? The good news is that you can decide to stop letting your anxious thoughts take center stage in your mind. You have the power! Sometimes you need to tell yourself that you’re in charge until you start to believe and embody this truth.
Affirmation #2: My anxiety is a part of me, but it does not define me.
Sometimes it feels like your anxiety is the biggest part of your experience or that it defines who you are as a woman and a mother. This can especially be true in medical settings where overwhelmed moms sometimes feel reduced to a diagnosis. I want to remind you that your anxiety is a small part of the many, many capabilities and strengths you have. It is NOT your defining feature. You deserve to remind yourself of this reality, too.
Affirmation #3: I am worthy of love and support, even if I’m anxious.
As a therapist for moms, I see so many moms who don’t believe they are worthy of support and care. For some reason, anxiety is sometimes even thought of as a problem that isn’t bad enough for support. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Please don't let your anxiety hold you back from asking for the help, support, love or affirmation you need. Asking for help is a sign of strength - especially when you are asking for help with your mental health. If you need some guidance with how to ask for this kind of help, download my ultimate guide to learn how.
Affirmation #4: I am the exact parent my child needs.
One of the toughest parts of mom anxiety is that it can convince you that you are not a good enough parent. I hear moms say that they worry that their anxiety is harming their child and/or that they feel less capable in motherhood because they experience anxiety.
PSA: your anxiety might be on high alert, but it does NOT diminish your capacity as a mother. Anxious mothers are just as loving, caring, and capable as non-anxious mothers. Anxious mothers create happy, thriving children. Your anxiety does not define your parenting.
Affirmation #5: I am resilient.
Learning to deal with anxiety is not easy; it takes significant time, effort, and personal investment to truly understand your anxiety + what works to help you feel better. Going through the process of learning how to cope can be exhausting, especially if it takes you longer than you expected. When you’re ready to feel better, the process can feel especially self-defeating. Remind yourself that you have what it takes to keep going. And that you’re capable of healing and feeling better.
How to Get Started with Affirmations:
Using affirmations to challenge your negative self-talk & generate inner-kindness is simple and effective. Follow these steps to get started:
Choose an affirmation that resonates with you. You can try one of the affirmations listed above or check out some of the affirmations I share in my “momtras” highlight on Instagram. You’ll stick with this affirmation for 1-week.
Write the affirmation down on a post-it or small paper that you can tape in space you spend time in. For me, this space is my kitchen & I tape the affirmation to my coffee maker. Other common locations to use include your bathroom mirror, at your desk, or on the steering wheel of your car.
Every time you see the affirmation, you will stop and repeat it to yourself. Aim to do this 3 times per day.
Once you’ve memorized the affirmation, you can start repeating it yourself when you feel anxiety or stress take over your mind or body. Simply pause, take a deep breath, and say the affirmation. Then, return to what you are doing with the intention of the affirmation.
At the end of the week, check in with yourself. Think about the affirmation and whether you’re starting to embody it + how the affirmation is changing the way you respond to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. If this affirmation is working for you, keep using it for another week. If you find that it’s not quite the fix you need, select another affirmation to try.
Therapy Can Help You Navigate Your Negative Self-Talk
If you’re having trouble with taking kindly to yourself, you’re not alone. This is really common & expected in moms who are experiencing anxiety & who haven’t yet found ways to cope.
Consider therapy as an option. I can help you learn ways to generate kindness & compassion for yourself so you no longer feel like your anxiety is holding you back. Together, we’ll work on your negative-self talk for good so you can feel confident & capable in every part of your life.
Get in touch with me to learn more about counseling and to see if anxiety therapy could be a good fit for you.
If you don’t feel ready for therapy yet, try my self-paced online resources that are made just for moms with anxiety. My Getting Specific About Your Mom Anxiety Guide will help you to better understand your specific experience of anxiety + walk you through the pros and cons of traditional and non-traditional ways of getting help, and my 21-Day Anxiety Reset will teach you 21 simple & effective coping habits for anxiety in just 21-days. You can check out my resources here.
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