The Sisterhood Blog

We’re tackling the real issues we face while we’re on that journey of trying to conceive, facing infertility, getting pregnant, postpartum, or in the early years of motherhood. Written in a totally fun & relatable way that inspires you to prioritize your mental health every step of the way.

Are My New Parent Jitters Actually Postpartum Anxiety?
Postpartum, Mom Anxiety Dr. Julie Franks Postpartum, Mom Anxiety Dr. Julie Franks

Are My New Parent Jitters Actually Postpartum Anxiety?

Whether you’re a first time mom or becoming a parent again, having a new baby is bound to bring up a wide range of emotions that may impact your mental health. Yet many new mothers don’t realize that their fears, worries, and concerns about their baby or their new role as a mother go beyond the normal new parent jitters and rise to the level of Postpartum Anxiety (PPA).

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The Signs and Signals of Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) that my Medical Team Missed
Mom Anxiety, Pregnancy, Postpartum Dr. Julie Franks Mom Anxiety, Pregnancy, Postpartum Dr. Julie Franks

The Signs and Signals of Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) that my Medical Team Missed

In this vulnerable post, Dr. Julie gives a primer in the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options for Postpartum Anxiety (PPA). She also gets vulnerable and shares her own experience with Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) and identifies the risk factors, warning signs, and signals of PPA that her expansive team of medical professionals overlooked when she was a new mom. She shares so that you know that you’re not alone, and that even an expert in women’s mental health is not immune to Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder (PMAD).

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Therapy that’s Just for Washington Women who are Navigating Infertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum, or in the Early Years of Motherhood
Mom Anxiety, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Infertility Dr. Julie Franks Mom Anxiety, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Infertility Dr. Julie Franks

Therapy that’s Just for Washington Women who are Navigating Infertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum, or in the Early Years of Motherhood

Nurturing the Sisterhood, a boutique therapy practice that’s just for women who want to become mothers, pregnant and postpartum women, and women in the early years of motherhood, celebrates the grand opening of its Bainbridge Island, Washington office! Founder and maternal mental health therapist Dr. Julie Franks shares the reason this practice is needed in Kitsap County, why it serves women throughout Washington State, and clinic’s judgment-free approach to therapy and support for women seeking pre-conception planning, coping with pregnancy loss, undergoing fertility treatment, and/or women who are pregnant, postpartum, and in the early years of motherhood.

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Is Being Known as a “Control Freak” a Red Flag for Mom Anxiety?
Mom Anxiety, Coping Strategies, Relationships Dr. Julie Franks Mom Anxiety, Coping Strategies, Relationships Dr. Julie Franks

Is Being Known as a “Control Freak” a Red Flag for Mom Anxiety?

We miss an important opportunity to support women when we don’t recognize that being known for being a “control freak” is often a sign of postpartum or maternal anxiety. In this post, Dr. Julie explains the way control is fueled by anxiety, the cycle of anxious control, the costs of using control to manage your anxiety, and 4 strategies to help you let go.

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“Is it Anxiety or is it Just Motherhood?”A Workshop to Empower Moms
Mom Anxiety, Parenting Erica Hartwick Mom Anxiety, Parenting Erica Hartwick

“Is it Anxiety or is it Just Motherhood?”A Workshop to Empower Moms

It’s not easy to get a clear understanding of your mom anxiety. Why? Anxiety and the sister emotions of stress, burnout, anger, rage, and overwhelm are so common that many moms question their mental health symptoms. Even medical providers get confused. As a result, many moms don’t get the support they need in motherhood. Learn all about Dr. Julie’s crash course that’s designed to help moms understand their anxiety & advocate for the care they need to feel better.

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The 21-Day Anxiety Reset for Busy & Stressed Out Moms
Mom Anxiety, Coping Strategies Dr. Julie Franks Mom Anxiety, Coping Strategies Dr. Julie Franks

The 21-Day Anxiety Reset for Busy & Stressed Out Moms

The 21 Day Anxiety Reset is designed for busy, full plate moms who need lasting stress & anxiety relief but don’t have the bandwidth for a major time commitment or elaborate coping strategies. Every technique in the 21-Day Anxiety Reset is designed to fit right into your everyday routine without a major time investment. And the best part? The skills and habits really work!

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