The Sisterhood Blog

We’re tackling the real issues we face while we’re on that journey of trying to conceive, facing infertility, getting pregnant, postpartum, or in the early years of motherhood. Written in a totally fun & relatable way that inspires you to prioritize your mental health every step of the way.

5 Tips for Making New Mom Friends on Your Maternity Leave
Find Your Village, Postpartum Dr. Julie Franks Find Your Village, Postpartum Dr. Julie Franks

5 Tips for Making New Mom Friends on Your Maternity Leave

New (and new again!) moms can feel isolated in the early weeks of motherhood but struggle to talk the negative impacts of their loneliness. Developing friendships with other new mothers is an important strategy for ending this social isolation and improving your mental health. Get my top 5 tips for making new friends during your maternity leave + my curated list of spaces to find mom friends in Kitsap County, Washington.

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