The Sisterhood Blog

We’re tackling the real issues we face while we’re on that journey of trying to conceive, facing infertility, getting pregnant, postpartum, or in the early years of motherhood. Written in a totally fun & relatable way that inspires you to prioritize your mental health every step of the way.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Sharing the Invisible Labor of Caring for the Household After Kids
Coping Strategies, Relationships Dr. Julie Franks Coping Strategies, Relationships Dr. Julie Franks

How to Talk to Your Partner About Sharing the Invisible Labor of Caring for the Household After Kids

The stress of caring for the household should be a shared task between all of the adults (and kids!) in the household, but it often falls to mothers. The invisible and unpaid labor of caring for the family leads many moms to unnecessary burnout and overwhelm. Learn Dr. Julie’s tips for talking to your partner about this part of the mental load & how to use the strategy of delegation to get your partner’s practical support with the tasks you want help with.

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Is Being Known as a “Control Freak” a Red Flag for Mom Anxiety?
Mom Anxiety, Coping Strategies, Relationships Dr. Julie Franks Mom Anxiety, Coping Strategies, Relationships Dr. Julie Franks

Is Being Known as a “Control Freak” a Red Flag for Mom Anxiety?

We miss an important opportunity to support women when we don’t recognize that being known for being a “control freak” is often a sign of postpartum or maternal anxiety. In this post, Dr. Julie explains the way control is fueled by anxiety, the cycle of anxious control, the costs of using control to manage your anxiety, and 4 strategies to help you let go.

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