The Sisterhood Blog
We’re tackling the real issues we face while we’re on that journey of trying to conceive, facing infertility, getting pregnant, postpartum, or in the early years of motherhood. Written in a totally fun & relatable way that inspires you to prioritize your mental health every step of the way.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Sharing the Invisible Labor of Caring for the Household After Kids
The stress of caring for the household should be a shared task between all of the adults (and kids!) in the household, but it often falls to mothers. The invisible and unpaid labor of caring for the family leads many moms to unnecessary burnout and overwhelm. Learn Dr. Julie’s tips for talking to your partner about this part of the mental load & how to use the strategy of delegation to get your partner’s practical support with the tasks you want help with.

How to Keep Yourself Calm During a Toddler Tantrum
Tantrums are a developmentally normal rite of passage that all children go through, but they are stressful and anxiety-provoking for parents. Learning to stay calm during a tantrum is not easy, but it’s important because it gives you the chance to respond instead of react. In this post, Dr. Julie shares her top tips for reseting your expectations around tantrums and the phrases she uses to keep calm and collected when a tantrum hits.

Is Being Known as a “Control Freak” a Red Flag for Mom Anxiety?
We miss an important opportunity to support women when we don’t recognize that being known for being a “control freak” is often a sign of postpartum or maternal anxiety. In this post, Dr. Julie explains the way control is fueled by anxiety, the cycle of anxious control, the costs of using control to manage your anxiety, and 4 strategies to help you let go.

How to Improve Your Confidence with Simple Journaling Exercises that are Just for Moms
Journaling is one of the best ways you can cultivate self kindness. compassion, and confidence as a mom. Finding the style of journaling that works for you is essential. In this blog, I talk about my own journey with a journal, offer 5 different journal styles to try, and give you access to my FREE printable journal template.

How to Quickly Calm Down When the Stress Hits
Are you struggling when the stress hits? Learn how to calm down quickly & effectively using this the simple “1-2-3, Brand New Me" technique. It’s perfect for busy moms who need a simple way to reduce stress and improve well-being in less than 60-seconds.

Curate Your Social Media Feed: 10 Instagram Accounts to Support Your Motherhood Journey
There are many upsides to social media use for moms, but only when the social media accounts you’re following don’t make your mom stress and anxiety worse. Learning to “curate your feed” with supportive and qualified mom influencers who align with your parenting values and improve your mom community. Plus, get Dr. Julie’s recommended list of the 10 Instagram accounts every pregnant woman or new mom needs to follow.

How to Find the Perfect Therapist: A Guide for Moms
Struggling to find a therapist who understands the challenges of motherhood? Look no further. Learn how to find a qualified perinatal therapist and why it's essential for effective therapy. Plus, get tips on choosing the right therapist for you and your family.

Lifestyle Changes to Lower Mom Anxiety: What Every Overwhelmed Mom Needs to Know
Anxiety isn’t just a personal issue - it’s also about lifestyle. Lifestyle changes are essential to manage anxiety in moms. Learn the lifestyle factors that make mom anxiety worse, why moms don't consider lifestyle changes, and how to make sustainable changes to reduce mom anxiety.

What’s on Your Mind? Let’s Tackle Your Motherhood Questions with Email Support that is Just for Moms
Struggling with overwhelm or mom anxiety? Want to tackle a specific parenting problem? Get personalized help without the commitment of therapy. Learn how email consultations for moms can provide you with helpful advice and guidance on how to manage parenting and life as a busy mama.

5 Helpful Affirmations for Anxious Moms
Learn how to create a positive mindset with these five helpful affirmations that are just for anxious moms. Find out how easy it is to get started with empowering affirmations that will help you feel more confident and capable in every part of your life.

Reduce Mom Stress - 20 Benefits of Starting a Gratitude List
Starting a gratitude list helps mothers reduce stress and cultivate a positive outlook. Learn the 20 unbelievable benefits of a gratitude practice and how to start your own list today!

Don't Tell a Mom to "Just" Take a Break: Understanding the Challenges of Alone Time
Don't tell a mom to "just" take a break: why this advice feels hurtful; the challenges of finding time away as a parent; simple ways to care for yourself without an extended break from your kids. Get tips and solutions here.

It’s Ok if You Don’t “enjoy every moment” with Your Child
“Enjoying every moment” of motherhood is NOT a thing, but it’s common advice that hurts moms in a multitude of ways. It is very normal to have stages & phases of motherhood that you do not enjoy - and it DOESN’T mean that you’re doing it wrong.

January Journal Challenge for Moms: Pause & Reflect
It’s all too easy to get caught up in the stress & overwhelm of mom life. Sometimes, we forget to pause, reflect, and take notice of the ways we care we need for ourselves. My free 30 Day Journal Challenge for Moms is a simple and effective way to start your new year with a journal practice that will transform your self-care practice.

The 21-Day Anxiety Reset for Busy & Stressed Out Moms
The 21 Day Anxiety Reset is designed for busy, full plate moms who need lasting stress & anxiety relief but don’t have the bandwidth for a major time commitment or elaborate coping strategies. Every technique in the 21-Day Anxiety Reset is designed to fit right into your everyday routine without a major time investment. And the best part? The skills and habits really work!

Is Mom Anxiety Keeping You Up at Night? Tips for Coping with Anxiety-Induced Insomnia.
If your lack of sleep goes above and beyond waking up to care for your child overnight, you may be experiencing anxiety-induced insomnia. Read for tips that help you manage your mom anxiety during the day so you can get more restful sleep at night.

Micro-dosing with Self Care: An Absolute Lifeline for Busy Moms
As moms, we don’t have time for elaborate self care activities, but we also need to find ways to fit this essential part of taking care of ourselves into our everyday lives. Enter the power of micro-dosing with self-care, a little known yet effective strategy for full plate moms.

It's Ok to Ask For Help, Mama: Here’s How to Do It
If no one told you, it's ok to ask for help! The demands of motherhood can get overwhelming, and sometimes you just need to ask for help, here’s how to do it.

“Mom Anxiety”: What it Is and How to Overcome It
Many moms experience “mom anxiety” but never address it. That ends today! We’re diving deep into anxiety after becoming a mom with tips on how to overcome it.

How to Put Yourself First Without Feeling Guilty: A Guide
Figuring out how to put yourself first without feeling guilty is challenging as a mom. If you think that putting yourself first is selfish, time to change that!