The Sisterhood Blog
We’re tackling the real issues we face while we’re on that journey of trying to conceive, facing infertility, getting pregnant, postpartum, or in the early years of motherhood. Written in a totally fun & relatable way that inspires you to prioritize your mental health every step of the way.

Tips to Overcome Toddler Bath Time Fears
If your toddler is suddenly afraid of taking a bath, you might be wondering how you can support your toddler and make bath time fun again. In this post, Dr. Julie shares her top tips for supporting your toddler with his or her bath time anxiety using simple, play-based and emotional regulation strategies that honor your toddler’s feelings and help your child feel safe and supported.

How to Keep Yourself Calm During a Toddler Tantrum
Tantrums are a developmentally normal rite of passage that all children go through, but they are stressful and anxiety-provoking for parents. Learning to stay calm during a tantrum is not easy, but it’s important because it gives you the chance to respond instead of react. In this post, Dr. Julie shares her top tips for reseting your expectations around tantrums and the phrases she uses to keep calm and collected when a tantrum hits.

Can I Tell My Therapist that I Cosleep with my Child?
Moms who decide not to sleep train struggle with the judgment of choosing to cosleep. The fear of being shamed or reported for bedsharing keeps many moms from telling the truth at their pediatrician and therapy appointments. Maternal mental health expert and therapist Dr. Julie Franks speaks to the fears about being honest about bedsharing or cosleeping + what to do if a therapist or medical provider doesn’t support your approach to baby sleep.

“Is it Anxiety or is it Just Motherhood?”A Workshop to Empower Moms
It’s not easy to get a clear understanding of your mom anxiety. Why? Anxiety and the sister emotions of stress, burnout, anger, rage, and overwhelm are so common that many moms question their mental health symptoms. Even medical providers get confused. As a result, many moms don’t get the support they need in motherhood. Learn all about Dr. Julie’s crash course that’s designed to help moms understand their anxiety & advocate for the care they need to feel better.

What’s on Your Mind? Let’s Tackle Your Motherhood Questions with Email Support that is Just for Moms
Struggling with overwhelm or mom anxiety? Want to tackle a specific parenting problem? Get personalized help without the commitment of therapy. Learn how email consultations for moms can provide you with helpful advice and guidance on how to manage parenting and life as a busy mama.

7 Completely BS Judgments that Hurt New Moms
As a new mom, you get bombarded with judgmental feedback about the way you care for your child. It seems like someone ALWAYS has something unhelpful & hurtful to say. Here’s my list of the 7 BS judgments that hurt moms most and what you can do about it. .

It’s Ok if You Don’t “enjoy every moment” with Your Child
“Enjoying every moment” of motherhood is NOT a thing, but it’s common advice that hurts moms in a multitude of ways. It is very normal to have stages & phases of motherhood that you do not enjoy - and it DOESN’T mean that you’re doing it wrong.

Top Tips for Navigating the Stress Around Holiday Gatherings with a Food Allergy Toddler
Having a food allergy toddler adds a whole new level of stress and worry to the many food-forward gatherings during each holiday season. Learn to navigate holiday invitations, create allergy safe environments, and determine if your attendance makes sense during the toddler years.

Parenting is Hard: Tips for Managing the Unsolicited Advice as a New Mom
As moms, we can’t leave the house without being bombarded with unsolicited advice about the ways we care for ourselves and our children. And this advice hurts moms in ways that might surprise you. Here’s your guide to dealing with the advice no matter where it comes from (scripts included!).